Call for side-event Workshops

Side-event Workshops Call for Expression of Interest

You are cordially invited to the 14th Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment – AARSE2024. As you might be aware the AARSE 2024 Conference will take place from 21st October to 25th October, 2024 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. This 14th session will represent a major event in the long series of internationally recognized AARSE conferences. AARSE 2024 takes place at a strategic moment, when Africa faces major pressing issues such as climate change impact, water scarcity, energy shortage, environmental stresses, natural resource related conflicts and food crisis, which affect citizens, business, and the community at large. On all these challenges, Earth Observation can play a greater role in making up factual, precise, and updated information for better decision-making.

You are cordially invited to the 14th Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment – AARSE2024. As you might be aware the AARSE 2024 Conference will take place from 21st October to 25th October, 2024 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. This 14th session will represent a major event in the long series of internationally recognized AARSE conferences. AARSE 2024 takes place at a strategic moment, when Africa faces major pressing issues such as climate change impact, water scarcity, energy shortage, environmental stresses, natural resource related conflicts and food crisis, which affect citizens, business, and the community at large. On all these challenges, Earth Observation can play a greater role in making up factual, precise, and updated information for better decision-making.

The overall theme of AARSE2024 “Earth observation: pillar of Africa sustainable socioeconomic development”

Sub-themes :

  1. Environmental Monitoring
  2. Blue economy
  3. Marine and coastal ecosystem management
  4. Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy
  5. Smart agriculture
  6. Urban planning and infrastructure development
  7. Disaster management
  8. Water resources management
  9. Health and diseases monitoring
  10. Transportation and connectivity
  11. Food Security
  12. Low-cost observation technology

You are cordially invited to the 14th Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment – AARSE2024. As you might be aware the AARSE 2024 Conference will take place from 21st October to 25th October, 2024 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. This 14th session will represent a major event in the long series of internationally recognized AARSE conferences. AARSE 2024 takes place at a strategic moment, when Africa faces major pressing issues such as climate change impact, water scarcity, energy shortage, environmental stresses, natural resource related conflicts and food crisis, which affect citizens, business, and the community at large. On all these challenges, Earth Observation can play a greater role in making up factual, precise, and updated information for better decision-making.

Call for side-event Workshops

AARSE2024 welcomes dedicated workshops-organized as pre- or post-conference events or as half-day events concurrent with the conference scientific programme (the latter in exceptional cases only). Workshops should present state-of-the-art research and cover the development, deployment and operational use of Earth observing systems both space- and airborne.

Workshop Summary Submission

Interested parties should submit a summary of the workshop they propose. The summary must include:

+ Title of workshop;
+ Relevant keywords;
+ Full name and title, e-mail address, fax, telephone of workshop organizer(s);
+ Short description of the workshop (maximum one page);
+ Target audience;
+ Proposed duration of workshop

The Workshop summary should reach the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee: Prof. Kouadio AFFIAN by email to and copy to not later than 31 Jun 2024. Workshop proposers will be notified of acceptance as soon as the requirements are fulfilled (see Workshop Policy below).

AARSE policy on workshops organized by 3rd parties in conjunction with AARSE 2024

Please be aware that the following policy of the AARSE Executive Council on workshops organized by other parties applies: – Organizers of a pre-/concurrent-/post-conference workshop must pay a fixed amount of € 3000 to cover expenses for projector, venue, writing materials, and microphone. Anything extra is to be borne by the workshop organizer. However, organizers of a pre-/concurrent-/post-conference workshop who pay the conference registration fee for 8 of their participants, 2 months prior to the conference date, pay a fixed amount of € 1500 to cover costs of projector, venue, writing materials and microphone.