Call for abstract

The AARSE international conference is conducted biennially across Africa, alternately with the AfricaGIS conference, and is the premier forum in Africa for research on remote sensing technologies and geospatial information science, gathering leading scholars from the remote sensing and related communities. This conference under the theme Earth observation: pillar of Africa sustainable socioeconomic development will be a major event in the African and international community of Earth observation and geo-spatial information science in 2024; it will be organized by the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) and the University Félix Houphouët-Boigny thought the Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d’Application en Télédétection (CURAT).
AARSE is a non-political scientific organization. Its primary objective is to increase the awareness of African governments and their institutions, the private sector and society at large, about the empowering and enhancing benefits of developing, applying and responsibly utilizing the products and services of Earth Observation Systems and Geo-information Technology. AARSE membership includes professional individuals, institutions and national associations from all Africa and worldwide working in domains related to remote sensing, photogrammetry, and geographical information science.
AARSE conference series commenced in 1996, in Harare (Zimbabwe) and has been held in Abidjan (Cote D’Ivoire) in 1998, Cape Town (South Africa) in 2000, Abuja (Nigeria) in 2002, Nairobi (Kenya) in 2004, Cairo (Egypt) in 2006, Accra (Ghana) in 2008, Addis Abeba (Ethiopia) in 2010, El Jadida (Morocco) in 2012, Johannesburg (South Africa) in 2014, Kampala (Uganda) in 2016, Alexandria (Egypt) in 2018, and in Kigali (Rwanda) in 2022. In view of the above-mentioned, abstracts for papers, and other forms of participation in the Conference are invited and can be submitted under event categories and sub-themes as follows:

  1. Environmental Monitoring
  2. Blue economy
  3. Marine and coastal ecosystem management
  4. Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy
  5. Smart agriculture
  6. Urban planning and infrastructure development
  7. Disaster management
  8. Water resources management
  9. Health and diseases monitoring
  10. Transportation and connectivity
  11. Food Security
  12. Low-cost observation technology
  1. Abstract submission opening : 1st March 2024

  2. Abstract submission closure : 15th July 2024 at 23:59 GMT

  3. Notification of acceptance : July 2024

  4. Issue of Preliminary Programme : July 2024

  5. Registration Opening : July 2024

  6. Deadline for full paper submission : 30th August 2024 at 23:59 GMT

  7. Issue of Final programme : at the Symposium

  8. Symposium : 04th to 08th of November, 2024

For More information, please contact
Prof. Kouadio AFFIAN

Chairman of Local Organizing Committee

Dr. Brice MOBIO

Chairman of Finance Commettee


The abstract should be presented as follows :

Abstract Title (size 12 Times New Roman font, bold and centered)

Names and affiliations of authors (size 10 Times New Roman font). The principal author must appear first, and any authors.

  • Provide degree, name and family name for each author (centered)
  • Provide full authors affiliations (name of organisation, and country) for each author
  • Provide email addresses and phone number for each author

The Main body text (Maximum 500 words, formatted in Microsoft Word, and single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman font.). should include:

  • Background: Any relevant contextual information, the research problem or rationale, and why this research is important.
  • Methods: The methods taken to undertake research.
  • Results: A summary of the most significant results of the research related to the conference themes.
  • Conclusion: Discuss further any of the outcomes of the research, how it adds to the existing body of knowledge, and any implications for future research and practice.

Keywords : Maximum 5 keywords (size 12 Times New Roman font

Notification of abstract review outcome

After the Scientific Committee and external expert reviewers complete the review and scores all abstracts submitted for consideration, the corresponding author will be informed via e-mail notification of the abstract review outcome. The following outcome categories will be used:

  • Accepted for Oral Presentation
  • Accepted for Poster
  • Presentation
  • Requires reworking
  • Rejected

Ø  Your abstract should be named as follows AARSE-2024_Name-FAMILYNAME  (i.e. AARSE-2024_Lucette-AKPA) before submitted

Ø  Click here to submit your abstract

How abstracts will be selected?

The organizers envisage a tremendous level of interest in the AARSE Conference, and that more abstracts will be received than can be accommodated. The selection of papers, posters, exhibitions and side events for presentation at the Conference will therefore be conducted by a Scientific Committee appointed by the AARSE Organizing committee. The Committee consists of highly respected earth observation and remote sensing experts in the various sub-thematic areas of the Conference. Selection of abstracts will be in accordance with the following process:

  • Initial Selection.
  • The Scientific Committee will shortlist and select abstracts based on the following criteria :
  1. Quality and clarity of content and presentation;
  2. Originality and innovation;
  3. Compliance with and relevance to identified Conference thematic areas;
  4. Significance of the research findings for Space and geospatial technologies;

Full paper publishing

AARSE gives the possibility of publishing the full paper. A call for paper submission will be launched after the selection of abstracts for authors wishing to submit a paper.